Friday, September 14, 2012

Moms Prayer Time

Mom's prayer time is a very informal time for us as mom's to get together and pray for the needs of the school, our teachers, and our students.  We meet on Thursday mornings from 9:00-10:00, in the far devo room. The beginning of the hour is a time of prayer together and the last part of the hour is a time for fellowship.  Please come and join us, kids are always welcome.
Prayer is powerful, praying over the construction of the building in the beginning of July.

September 17-21

The verse for our younger friends this week is On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.  Psalm 63:6.  The story for Tuesday is how David loved to pray from 1 Samuel 16 and 17.

For Worship Wednesdays we sang 10,000 Reasons, You Never Let Go (Matt Redmon), Me Without You (Toby-Mac), and Yes We Can (Me In Motion)

September 4-14

Things have gone well for devo's and are beginning to run very smooth.  We have shifted around to some different locations but we think we have a lot of the bugs worked out.  We have been very encouraged by the number of kids coming and would love to see more learning about God and His word every morning!  Please encourage your children to bring their friends.  What a way to start the day!
We are blessed, it is so nice having a space of our own for devos.  This is the full room of younger friends on our first day.  They got to hear what we would be doing in devotions and to decorate the front of their books.

The younger friends started out on Monday with Erika Gomez and their verse for A is How Awesome is the Lord Most High.  Psalm 47:2.  The story that they learned on Tuesday from Christy Pacinowski was how Moses crossed the Red Sea from Exodus 14.

Joel Smith leads the older friends on Tuesday's.

The older friends talked about the timeline of Genesis on Monday and on Tuesday the kids talked about the different groups of books in the new Testament.

Our first Wednesday of Worship Wednesday's was in the Mosaic room.  We had a lot of kids and a lot of fun but we quickly firgured out we needed to come up with a new plan and we moved closer to the devo's room the next week.

Wednesday Andy Mitchell led Worship Wednesday's and we sang 10,000 Reasons, and You Never Let Go by Matt Redmond, Toby Mac - Me Without You, and Yes We Can by Me In Motion.

Thursday the older friends learned about Cain and the younger friends continued to learn about Genesis.

Friday Erika led the Fun Science Friday's, the experiment did not go as planned but they talked about how things don't always go as we plan and how God can make the impossible, possible.

Thanks for a great week!

Thanks For A Great Start and A Break Down of the Week

Wow, I would love to thank everyone for sending their kids, for the parents who have stepped up to lead, and to the parents who donated supplies.  Devo's is going very well so far this year.  We appreciate your patience as we work through the bugs of being in a new place and starting a new program. 

We have some exciting things planned for the kids this year, we are hoping to have lots of scripture verses hidden in the hearts of our younger friends as well as exploring the books of the Bible and the Old and New Testiment with all of our friends.  We would love to have your student join us everyday, but if that is not possible we welcome them anytime.

Here is a break down of our week.

On Monday the younger friends are being introduced to a short ABC verse each week.  The verses and stories are based from the book The Memory Bible The Sure-Fire Way To Learn 52 Bible Verses, created by Stephan Elkins.  We have made picture type worksheets to go with each letter and put them in a book for each of the kids.   In class we review the verse, talk about what it means a little, sing a song that goes with the verse, and they can write the verse and decorate the page in their book.

On Tuesday the younger friends review the verse from Monday, hear a Bible story that goes with the verse, and can make a picture in their book about that story to help them remember it.

On Monday and Tuesday the older friends are looking into the Old and New Testament's with Mike Lanser and Joel Smith.  They are using exciting things like "quarter questions" to keep the kids engaged in learning more about God's word.

On Wednesday we all come together for Worship Wednesday's.  This has been such a fun way to start out our day.  Please come with your child sometime and check it out, your day will be blessed!

On Thursday our younger friends are going through the NLT Hand's On Bible and being introduced to the books of the Bible and what is in each book with Jane Lanser.  Our older friends are studying Teen People of the Bible by Daniel Darling with Ann Lukas.  Teresa Urivez is doing a special study with our 7th and 8th graders.

On Friday we all come together again for Fun Science Friday's.  We are using Bible based experiments from Science & the Bible by Donald B. Deyoung and Show Me! Devotions for Leaders to Teach Kids by Susan L. Lingo.  Also on the third Friday the older friends will be planning what they will be leading the younger friends for devotions the fourth Friday of the month.